Wednesday, 22 March 2017

An open letter to peace.


Today once again I raised the volume of music to lower the voice running inside my head. Today once again I tried to murder my thoughts. Today once again i tried to ignore the haunted words racing inside me. even  Today a moment came where I ignored all the emotions which were surfacing my head. I don't know till when it's going to happen to me. Until when I would go through this insane pain. Until when I would die daily. I have developed the habit of running away from my own feelings.

Dear peace, I miss you.

Sometimes I hallucinate, there's a knock on my door and I run, I run quickly. As I open the door, I see you. I watch you standing there giving me your hand. Asking me to hold it. You give a comforting smile. Your smile assures me that everything would be fine. Everything would be normal again. You give an expression which makes me believe, this pain, this trauma would end soon. It would just melt down when I will hold your hand.

 But, but oh my beloved peace as I try to hold your hand, as I try to touch you,As soon as I try to come close to you so that I could find my solitude, you just disappear. You just fly away. You just disappoint me by playing a hideous prank with my emotions like everyone else. You just go away. I stand still. I stand numb there watching you running away from me. I do try to chase you. Trust me, I try to chase you but all my efforts, all my struggles go in vain. I then simply stare at you with blank, tearful eyes, while you vanish somewhere in the dust.

My Peace, please stop playing hide and seek with me. Please come back to me. Come I need you. Its terrible out here without you. I surround myself with people just to forget that we are no longer together. I work day and night just to make sure I don’t have a spare moment to miss you. I try to party hard and dance like a maniac, hoping I would fool myself that I m happy without you. But I don’t know how and why all of the sudden a moment arises where all my demons, all my fear come on surface and then I miss you.

Your long lost friend,
an empty soul.

(it’s not the story of my life or your life. It is somewhere or the other story of everyone’s life. We are so much into the habit of neglecting our emotions on the face and the name of work and pressure that we tend to forget what we are missing. We are all trying to find peace today, which is somewhere lost in race of our life. We all come across a night where we badly need a sense of contentment which surely we cannot derive from a bottle of alcohol or getting lost in the crowd. Lets try to spend a little time with our self without ignoring any single thought, “peace” must be somewhere inside those thoughts.)