Friday, 5 May 2017

Visthapit Parivaron ka Samajshastriya Adhyayan

Dr. Ankur Pare : Book Review of “ Visthapit Parivaron ka Samajshastriya Adhyayan ”

Author - Dr. Ankur Pare
Country -   India
Book -   Visthapit Parivaron ka Samajshastriya Adhyayan
Language - Hindi
Publisher - Sunrise Publication, New Delhi (India)
Publication Year - 2017
Media Type - Print (hardback)
Pages - 183
ISBN - 978-93-80966-70-0
Price - Rs. 800

Dr. Ankur Pare is a famous young sociologist and author. Many important research papers have been published by him at International and National research journals. His major research work was displacement, resettlement and rehabilitation.


The author Dr. Ankur Pare has done a scientific research study of the problem of displacement in his book " Visthapit Parivaron ka Samajshastriya Adhyayan ". Economic development is essential in all countries but positive and negative effects of development projects also emerge. Displacement is a global catastrophic problem. Displacement due to development has emerged as an international and national problem. At the global level Tehri project in Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, Ghana, Indonesia and India, Uttarakhand, Bisalpur project ( Himachal Pradesh), Sardar Sarovar project (Gujarat), Kudankulam project (Tamil Nadu), Narmada project (Madhya Pradesh), etc due to these projects the problem of displacement occurred. The proper implementation of development projects can be done. Dr. Ankur Pare in his book “ Visthapit Parivaron ka Samajshashtriya Adhyayan ” has interpreted applied research regarding displacement.


The book of Dr. Ankur Pare, " Visthapit Parivaron ka Samajshastriya Adhyayan ", is published in the year 2017 by India's leading publication, Sunrise Publication, New Delhi (India), ISBN 978-93-80966-70-0.


Sociologist Dr. Ankur Pare has done extensive scientific study of social, economic, cultural, religious and political effects of displacement. He recommended to follow " Minimum Displacement and Maximum Rehabilitation ".