Saturday, 14 April 2018

An open letter to Asifa

Dear Asifa, 

I know you are too young to understand why those 8 people did to you what they did. I know you are too young to care about the system and I know you don’t even worry whether prime minister Narendra Modi spoke on your case or not.You don’t care whether your case was a religious propaganda or a political act. But I am sorry that we are just concerned about these points.I and other people of our nation are just worried about the caste of the men who raped you. we are more caught up in finding what did Rahul Gandhi say, what was the view of Menka Gandhi. Today, through this letter I want to apologise to you on their and my behalf. 

Asifa, I am sorry I don’t even want to think what punishment your rapist should get because after whatever you faced I really don’t know who should be behind the bars, them (accused) or the whole human race. After reading your story I want to serve penance myself for not being able to create a better society for children like you. Today, with your sinners I hope we all humans would be able decide our retribution because when something like this happens the question is not only why the accused did what he did, the bigger question is where are we leading ourselves on the name of religion, on the name of politics. 

When a man does a hideous crime like rape, I feel sorry and culprit myself that I didn’t raise my voice higher enough to urge every mother to inculcate basic values in their sons. I am sorry Asifa for letting these man ruin your life.

Asifa, when you meet almighty I request you to complain not only about those 8 cruel men but also feel free to tell him, that we the so called ‘intelligent race’ have created monsters in ourselves through knowledge and power. Do convey him how shallow this world has become. Also tell him that even after your death we kept on raping you daily in newspapers. Girl, Do not shy away from telling him that the world he moulded has nearly came to an end. 

It was heartbreaking to hear that you passed away but somewhere I feel it happened for a good reason because you know we won’t have allowed you to have normal life. This is how we have developed ourselves in this blind race of politics, votes, religion. 

I am sorry Asfia because we didn’t build a good society for you. As a human, as an elder and as a woman I apologise to you for making you go through all that. I don’t know the art to flip time but I can promise I will try to work harder, I will try to raise my voice higher for developing a more secure space for angles like you. 



  1. Your anguish and helplessness are visible.

  2. एक भावुक पत्र।आंखों को नम करता है।एक पत्र ऐसा ही आज के बेटे जो अभी युवा हो रहे हैं और उन्हें भी जो आज किसी के बड़े भाई हैं ,किसी के चाचा हैं, किसी के ताऊ तो किसी के मामा और तो और किसी के हाथ कापते हैं लिखते हुए किसी के पिता हैं और रिश्तों को तार तार करते हैं।यह लेखन व्यर्थ नहीं जाएगा हमें ओर विश्वास से आवाज उठानी होगी ऐसे ही।

  3. इस प्रकार की घटनाएं सभ्य समाज के लिए कलंक हैं। इस स्थिति को बदलने के लिए बहुत प्रयास करने होंगे, साझे प्रयास।
